0532 4476870
Professional Yacht and Sailing Instructor. Certified by the Turkish Yacht and Sailing federation (TYF-YY5) license number 0063 and the international Yacht Training Academy (IYTA) license number 8357.
Born in Istanbul; Cenk spend his childhood in bays of Kalamış, Fenerbahçe and Moda during winters and in Kumburgaz, Çınarcık and Şile in Istanbul immersed in the environment of sailing and sailing boats.
Cenk was originally a hydro dynamics engineer for 25 years. Since the year 2000 he started sailing which led him, in 2008, to teach several sailing and seamanship courses in the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.
Certifications include TYF (Turkish Yachting Federation) YY5 Master of Yacht Offshore, IYTA Captain Instructor, ADB, KMT and SSI Open Water Diver.
He founded the Sailplus Yachting Academy in 2014. Besides the basic and advanced sailing and seamanship courses provided in Göcek, Bodrum and Marmaris; Cenk also provides open sea route training to locations such as Athens, Cyprus and Israel.
An accomplished writer Cenk has been writing a series of sailing stories for sailing magazines Yelken Dünyası, Motorboat & Sailing and Naviga since 2006. He published four books. One called “ARŞİPEL” ( ANCİENT AEGEAN SEA ) in 2018, one called “HER ŞEYİN İLACI TUZLU SUDUR” ( SALTY WATER IS THE ONLY PIL OF EVERYTHİNG) in 2019, “SADUN BORO-Dümen Suyunda bir hayat” ( SADUN BORO, A life at sea ) in 2020 and last one called “CEVAT ŞAKİR Halikarnas Balıkçısı”
TYF YY5 Belge no: 0063
IYTA Master of Yacht Ocean Belge no : 11939
ADB Belge no : K400567301
SSI Belge no : 1250826442-TR
Sailplus… Plus Educations